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2 answer
15.11.2024, friday, 17:31
Product filter
Friends, how to make an alphabetical filter when adding products to an order? please tell me.
2 answer
13.11.2024, 17:04
Bug disappeared orders
Congratulations! Imported orders from the site have disappeared. How to check what the problem is??? The order is imported from the Khorozhop platf...
4 answer
11.10.2024, 16:28
No information displayed in cell
In the product table, the delivery date of the product is manually entered into an additional cell or pulled up from the previous process (from the...
10 replies
10.07.2024, 12:01
Order Amount Variable
Good afternoon. Help me choose a variable. We send the client a message with the amount of the order, where we use the [ordersum] variable, but if ...
Removing a process by its number
Is it possible to somehow delete a process knowing its number (through an action)? For example, I create a process, then at a certain stage a subpr...
1 answer
15.05.2024, 13:25
How to work with quantity
I need to take the quantity for each product and multiply it by some double field. I'm already looking https://prnt.sc/YrejY5cs4RvL And so https://...
4 answer
Managers and service stopped seeing attachments
From today, the Managers and service groups stopped seeing attachments in the order header. process example https://tcbs.crm-onebox.com/60015/ Ther...
9 replies
The numbering of business processes began to jump
https://prnt.sc/Fe8ThO_wsJOB from 11/04, the numbering of business processes began to jump. BP numbers are added not in order, but after some rando...
2 answer
15.03.2024, 10:34
Search by article does not work in CRM (in the order itself)
Good afternoon. Search by article does not work in CRM (in the order itself) For example: art. 16944 https://prnt.sc/Kx5rZuWe0yPE art.16818 https:/...
Highlighting of items in the product table
Good day. Tell me if there is any way to adjust the lighting in the product table. For example, to illuminate with a certain color or not at all, ...