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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

2 answer
Personal license
20.04.2023, 10:44
The currency rate update OS from Privat stopped working
here are the settings: there is no Privat in the list. When trying to update the course like this - it opens a new window and nothing works. if yo...
1 answer
10.04.2023, 16:26
Bug. A problem with balances
Good day There was a problem https://1b.app/ua/forum/financial-and-payment-management/16831-balans-kliienta-b... According to the specific process,...
2 answer
05.04.2023, 11:13
Proposal for cooperation with PRRO E-Chek for OneBox
Good day! "E-CHEK" LLC, which is included in the list of the main developers of PRRO of Ukraine, welcomes you and makes a proposal for cooperation...
2 answer
04.04.2023, 12:32
Customer balance. Bug
Good day https://orc-test.kiev.ua/20623/ https://orc-test.kiev.ua/app/contact/78/ According to duties, everything is ok in the process https://www....
3 answer
03.04.2023, 13:03
payments made in processes are not displayed
In the general table of business processes, the "Paid" column does not display payments made in the processes https://topbox.1b.app/app/workflowtyp...
11 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
28.03.2023, 09:34
Prepaid check
Good afternoon In the action "Creating a check" there is a function "Instead of exporting a payment, send one prepayment with the amount from the f...
1 answer
Personal license
27.03.2023, 18:29
Rate the completion of the action for Checkbox
The customer needs to withdraw cash from the register before closing the shift. In the API documentation, it is written that the balance can be obt...
3 answer
Personal license
24.03.2023, 18:58
Rate the update for the action "Create payment link in WAYFORPAY"
Good day! It is necessary for the client to see the order data when following the payment link. Now only "Payment" is displayed. https://take.ms/xl...
1 answer
16.03.2023, 02:13
Need full development.
Hello everyone, we need a person who can develop a website and connect liqpay to it, write in more detail in telegram. @Lavryhha The amount is nego...
5 replies
14.03.2023, 23:05
I propose to implement the integration "Invoice from PrivatBank"
Good afternoon. I propose to implement integration, which, it seems to me, will be of interest to many. Through API, you can issue invoices to cli...