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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

1 answer
12.03.2021, 13:28
Make Russian rubles the base currency
How many hours does it take to make Russian rubles the base currency for the project?
2 answer
11.03.2021, 19:19
Problem with pricing
We create rules for the markup, the rule works but it shows the price only when you go to the suppliers tab in the product card and the markup and ...
1 answer
10.03.2021, 12:00
Consultation on general finance page
On the general finance page there is such a table https://prnt.sc/10hwd9b It displays data like this https://prnt.sc/10hwdth http://crm.mebelok.com...
1 answer
10.03.2021, 10:19
Change boxing currency to USD
Good day! Change, be kind, the currency of our boxing to USD.
4 answer
Personal license
08.03.2021, 17:33
Change currency for boxing
Good day! At the client's box, you need to change the base currency to the dollar. Can the client write to his account?
4 answer
04.03.2021, 19:30
Cost re-accounting according to the exchange rate
Interested in refining as in this issue: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/2408-pereuchet-sebestoimosti-soglasno-ku...
10 replies
04.03.2021, 18:11
How can we record information from the additional field of the process in the additional field of finance?
I know that there is automation that, when making a payment in the process, allows you to configure the completion of an additional finance field, ...
Autoclient Account Statement
I want to tie up a statement on another current account to the van box. A few months ago I already set up this integration, but now I can’t find th...
29 replies
Personal license
02.03.2021, 14:26
Rounding the sum of the process when transferring to the checkbox
Good day! 1. Є process https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/customorder/order/214065/edit/ the client pays the rounded amount, and in our case the sum is r...
Revaluation or markdown of goods at the time of sale
How to sell goods different from the price of the goods received? That is, the sale is made at a higher or lower price than credited to the warehou...