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List of related questions and answers «Business Processes and Automation»

1 answer
27.10.2023, 16:57
The action setting
The action setting "Record the date and time of the last change of a process field, product or process product" does not work, namely, the drop-dow...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.10.2023, 12:33
Deployed the system, but not all applications from the basic donor box were installed
Registered a new box for people When deploying, I copied the settings from the base system to it At first, it was not possible to log in, becau...
1 answer
20.10.2023, 13:50
Payments from file are not loaded
Here https://brightbox.1b.app/9708/ The status "Vkhidni" should delay payments. You can click and test. But they are not delayed in any way and do ...
7 replies
18.10.2023, 12:57
Formation of a document for a warehouse operation in progress
Here https://box.yerocolors.com/app/workflow/19/procedure/140/ It is necessary to be able to create a document through the “Write out document” act...
0 replies
18.10.2023, 11:15
Error when clicking on a button in a business process
In the business process interface, I have a button to add a product to the process. And when I start the process and click on the button, it gives ...
2 answer
16.10.2023, 13:10
BUG The action Send SMS N minutes before the scheduled date does not work correctly
The setting in the action "Send an SMS N minutes before the scheduled date", namely "Send a message only 1 time", does not work. Even if the tick...
2 answer
13.10.2023, 12:32
The settings for Universal product import (xml/json) are lost
Hello. Today I discovered several empty actions “Universal product import (xml/json)” and missing settings for some suppliers. Is it possible to re...
Hello, can I add my own icons? If so, tell me in what way?
4 answer
11.10.2023, 14:21
Turn call to process automation is not working
Tell me why the call did not turn into a process? Here is the link to the event https://proektobk.1b.app/app/event/145115/ automation is configured
Will "Delete process files" delete it permanently?
For example, I upload a photo to a process, and the "Delete process files" action in the process is triggered. Will the file be deleted and free up...