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List of related questions and answers «Business Processes and Automation»

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.11.2023, 16:39
Errors in the operation of the action: Integration of XML products (Export)
Adjusted action: XML Product Integration (Export) to export products to an xml file. But incorrect ones are extracted to the file: - Name of go...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
06.11.2023, 09:38
Bug. The Products block is not displayed as a table in the interface
The Products block is not displayed as a table in the interface. Boxing https://sara.1box.link/
0 replies
04.11.2023, 18:23
Process margin taking into account shipped products
Now the Margin (margin) in the processes is calculated taking into account the Count (count) field, there is a variable [margin] for this margin. A...
BAG does not store the contact's birthday in BP
There is a BP in which the "Date of birth" field is displayed (user.user_bdate) In the settings, this field must be filled in (user.user_bdate) The...
3 answer
01.11.2023, 18:48
"Calculate and write value in additional field" action does not work with certain settings
If in the action "Calculate and record values ​​in an additional field" you select the field for recording the result "Additional expenses" ([costs...
0 replies
01.11.2023, 13:07
crowns fell after an error connecting to the database
It started giving an error - the system cannot connect to the database. After rebooting the server, the minute cron started once and the hourly clo...
0 replies
31.10.2023, 20:53
A procedure was added to OneBox SRM, which records the value '1' in an additional field every time an order is saved. On the basis of this field, the implemented integration between the OneBox - 1C system has currently disappeared
Description of the problem: A procedure has been added to OneBox SRM, which records the value '1' in an additional field every time an order is sav...
0 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
31.10.2023, 16:23
It is not possible to switch status in processes en masse
Good afternoon Boxing https://sara.1box.link/ When I try to massively change the status of processes, nothing happens. Array of processes to switch...
2 answer
30.10.2023, 11:25
The ability to view information on warehouses in the product search block has disappeared
Process. Product search interface block. Stop showing "+" to open and view information by warehouse https://i.imgur.com/hkBThTF.png The Hide inform...
3 answer
30.10.2023, 10:18
BUG, the availability of goods in the order is not displayed
Good afternoon In the order, when searching for goods, the availability of goods is no longer displayed. It broke over the weekend. We didn't do ...