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Application Questions and Answers «Viber»

14 replies
09.12.2021, 13:25
Consultation on setting up viber (bot?)
Good day Why do you need to fix it? If it is necessary for me to fix so that the client was promptly controlled by the two buttons, then why shoul...
1 answer
08.12.2021, 16:56
How much does the finishing work cost?
Please let me know how much the modification costs so that the action "Send a Viber message" can send a Viber message to a contact from a...
Good day. For what reasons can a chat not be created from a message in viber? Messages come to the viber application itself, the action Turn viber ...
5 replies
01.12.2021, 14:06
How to tie up the second number to the client? [Viber]
Here is a person (He already has a viber attached) https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/6421/ Further The client wrote back https://vzuti...
3 answer
Viber integration. Sending mass notifications with a button.
We send the details through the Viber mass mailing for clients, indicate all the data in the message and attach the button, on androids this button...
17 replies
08.11.2021, 18:06
Viber chat bot
Good afternoon! Is it possible to disable the message input block in Viber bot?
2 answer
26.10.2021, 12:17
Problem sending messages to Viber
Good afternoon. Since yesterday, problems with sending messages to Viber have been regularly repeated, when trying to manually send, we see an erro...
7 replies
26.10.2021, 11:00
The client does not have a viber ID although he wrote us a message
Good afternoon. Client https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/users/200134/ , wrote us a message on 23/10 at 18-47, here is the process https://crm.ohran...
8 replies
22.10.2021, 10:19
500 error when opening chat. OneBox OS
500 error when opening chat. OneBox OS
1 answer
15.09.2021, 13:58
OS not connecting Viber integration
https://box.carveli.com/app/viber-new/settings/ I add integration, I insert the key so as not to write it here, it is in this task http://box.carve...