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Application Questions and Answers «Telegram»

2 answer
Personal license
21.09.2022, 09:39
Dorobka - menu for Telegram bot
Good day. Suggest that you can implement a dorobok - a menu for a telegram bot through the standard functionality. (additional Telegram BOT constru...
1 answer
25.07.2022, 13:31
Delay with automatic response (transition to a stage) in the BP of telegrams
Good afternoon. The client has configured BP for working with Telegram chat https://ap-messages.1b.app/app/workflow/2/constructor/ At the "Cla...
1 answer
22.07.2022, 20:18
Sending pictures in telegram action
Here is the process https://timelearn.1b.app/434/ it has a procedure "sms witannya" - settings https://timelearn.1b.app/app/workflow/5/pr...
16 replies
21.07.2022, 10:32
manager https://implant.1b.app/4728/ - BP butt
6 replies
Personal license
13.07.2022, 11:30
Send Telegram message. callback
Good day. In the Callback Data field, I change [url_change_status: ...]. (https://take.ms/QFFsh) When clicking on the button in Telegram, the takeo...
2 answer
07.07.2022, 15:16
it is impossible to send an empty telegram file
Telegram does not send files from a network computer, but from the computer where it is installed
6 replies
29.06.2022, 10:27
Distribution of chats by role
There are 2 actions Turn a telegram message into a chat Turn a viber message into a chat Here you can specify either a specific employee for whom t...
2 answer
20.06.2022, 16:23
telegram call back
You can go to "Send a Telegram message" in the callback, add the list of all the changes (from the lists)?
15 replies
10.06.2022, 00:40
Send Telegram message. callback
Good day How to correctly fill in the callback in the notification when pushing the button to change the status? How to prescribe it like that at t...
7 replies
11.05.2022, 13:42
Implementation of the message entry in the add. field
https://pr-od.1b.app/desktop/ Is it possible to implement the recording of the last telegram message in the add. process field? For example, an act...