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Application Questions and Answers «Reports and report builder»

Create a financial statement for a company
You need to create a report in the following format: The first table has the following columns: 1. Name of accounts in the system. 2. Balance at th...
2 answer
Администратор проектов
18.12.2020, 09:40
Digit separators
My client has a global problem with reports and their further processing in Excel. He copies the numbers from our report, pastes it into Excel, and...
14 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
25.11.2020, 00:23
Import (update / update) of products - received a report there it is indicated that the error, but it is not clear what the errors are
Here is the task https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/issue/28274/edit/ This task has (there are 2 files in the description) 1. STANDART 100 (8).xl...