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Application Questions and Answers «Prom.ua»

6 replies
27.01.2022, 16:55
Refinement into action by prom
https://armikom.1b.app/ Rated here https://1b.app/ru/forum/price-platforms-and-marketplaces/12857-vigruzka-produkto...
9 replies
26.01.2022, 09:39
Orders come without status
For example https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/412873/ In the automations, everything is indicated correctly and before that it worked https://ppikc.crm...
3 answer
24.01.2022, 13:48
Unloading products to the prom
Action once a day PromUA / Import products There is a setting "Update prices and availability for all products on PromUA every hour (after tha...
9 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
24.01.2022, 08:38
Switching statuses to Prom
Hello! There are three Prom cabinets that are connected to Boxing. On one of them, it does not transmit the statuses "accepted, canceled"...
The price from the promo comes wrong
Here is the order https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/24489/edit/ and here he is on the prom That is, in the CRM the full pri...
6 replies
18.01.2022, 10:56
Unloading products to the prom
We need to upload products to the prom. We set up uploading via xls, but the prom downloads once an hour. We need faster. Prom has an API, but did ...
1 answer
17.01.2022, 12:47
Incorrect sum of the process from prom
The action PromUA / Import orders to OneBox created an order https://box.vals.net.ua/admin/customorder/order/33314/edit/ In it, the sum of the proc...
How to get a link to Export Products on PromUA?
In the hourly automation in the "PromUA / Export products in XLS format" action, is indicated, but when I click on the link, it takes me...
1 answer
Doesn't load orders from promo
Orders do not come from proma Here we make a request to receive orders via postman all orders are But no CRM falls during the day, what could be w...
Boxing not working!! Orders not received
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ Orders are not received from VP, Proma, crowns lay down. Please correct !!!