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Application Questions and Answers «Price and stock recalculation»

3 answer
Personal license
14.04.2023, 15:51
Rate the update of the "Price recalculation" functionality
Please evaluate the update of the "Price recalculation" functionality, so that you can set the markup (discount) rules for the supplier&#...
2 answer
25.03.2023, 20:51
OneBox, record a video on YouTube about recalculating prices
Please record a video in your style, with examples and, most importantly, the LOGIC of the "recalculation of prices and availability" app...
2 answer
23.12.2022, 16:22
SOS! The price of the product has not been recalculated since December 6
https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/product/10224/edit/ what is the reason? Automation has been set up for several years, everything has alw...
2 answer
20.09.2022, 20:24
The setting "Minimum quantity of goods from the supplier" does not work
In the setting Minimum quantity of goods from the supplier, 4 is specified Here is the supplier's product http://ultra.alfashina.ua/admin/shop/...
5 replies
OneBox stopped recalculating availability with suppliers and warehouses
Screen. The supplier has a "available" checkbox. The product has synchronization with availability. But presence is not added. The produc...
1 answer
Setting up OneBox-Opencart availability transfer: warehouse+supplier
How to set up the formation of OneBox-Opencart availability transfer if you need to sum the availability of a warehouse with the availability of a ...
7 replies
13.08.2022, 11:14
Incorrect work with goods that are credited in another currency
Hi all. Citizens experts, tell me what I'm doing wrong or where there is no checkmark. The goods are credited in dollars. When an order arrives...
6 replies
08.08.2022, 19:47
Bug of additional prices
Good day, product https://box.metrader.com.ua/app/product/70960/edit/ the basic price is recalculated, but the additional ones are not
3 answer
08.08.2022, 19:42
The bug is in the price
Good day, product https://box.metrader.com.ua/app/product/209007/edit/?tabid=0 when recalculating, the system gives the price in USD and not in UAH
19 replies
Personal license
04.08.2022, 10:21
Questions about changing the currencies of goods
At night, the currencies in the goods changed (example https://znaide.1b.app/app/product/8283/edit/ , there is an entry in the history for 2022-08-...