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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

2 answer
13.03.2021, 14:06
Question about removed products from the system (clearing data in the BP)
Good afternoon! We noticed that when a product is removed from the system (without the possibility of recovery), part of the data from the BP in wh...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
11.03.2021, 18:18
fix the change in the value of the product price type
here is a product https://crm.swisstrade.com.ua/admin/shop/products/123389/edit/ , which has a price type "outlet". for some reason, in ...
revision required - Uploading to the XLS price platform
The problem is in this parameter https://prnt.sc/10hx71j "If the product is produced and it has a passport, consider that the product is in st...
5 replies
When loading values from opencart via Linkkey, it overwrites other products
We have many integrations with opencarts configured, everywhere products are pulled through the linkkey. We connected 1 more site, and when importi...
9 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
03.03.2021, 10:02
fix the "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" action (product categories are not uploaded)
there is such a product https://ramservice.in.ua/admin/shop/products/12424/edit/ in opencart it has no associated categories products are uploaded...
16 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.02.2021, 09:41
Rate - Product Passport, how to recalculate the price with an optional product
PURPOSE: to form the price of a product when it has a passport, subtracting the price of optional products take into account the calculated price w...
Error when trying to create "New Product" or "Duplicate Product"
Error when trying to create "New Product" - message in red "Save error. Invalid variables specified in the formula" Error when ...
2 answer
When producing a product from a material, the product is credited with the wrong price
/admin/shop/storage/motion/5700094/ If production takes place, and at the same time the material in the system is credited in $, then the product i...
17 replies
30.01.2021, 12:44
Same article and description. Improvement "Search for a process product by article and brand at the same time"
Test order: https://psauto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/31562/edit/. We came across cases when a product has the same article and descrip...
It is necessary to display the WEIGHT of the product from the Product card to the Table of Products of lists in the BP
https://prnt.sc/xphmff - in this table I need to display the Product Weight with the possibility of editing. + I am interested in the functionality...