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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

7 replies
18.07.2021, 14:18
OS: Product interface floated
Correct please: - selection fields are too small - fields with a check mark need to be corrected, the check mark should be moved along the line of ...
20 replies
13.07.2021, 15:42
Product filtering panel
https://crm.ohrana.ua/ In the product filtering panel, you need to modify the filter that displays all products that have at least one filter (char...
7 replies
13.07.2021, 12:55
Products are not displayed when opened by category, although when opened by a list there are
Good afternoon. When I open category products as a list, I see 6 products http://joxi.ru/L21BNWbHzvDBEA, but if I open categories there are no pro...
2 answer
12.07.2021, 22:10
How to remove selected products
Hello. I can't figure out where the delete button for selected products is? Lobo bulk edit window.
5 replies
12.07.2021, 15:43
Restore deleted items
When importing products by a client via Import products from YML https://montazhka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/exchange-yml/, the checkbox w...
1 answer
12.07.2021, 08:49
Price settings not working
Hello! 1) The price setting does not work in the product card. 2) The block "price levels" does not work. The card is added to the interf...
22 answer
09.07.2021, 15:20
Evaluate the functionality of the product image
It is necessary to increase the ability to change the quality (order) of additional images of goods. Also, as the blackness was changed, then when ...
1 answer
09.07.2021, 12:29
Product copy error
I go to Products, create a copy of the product https://osetr.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/copy/ I enter the product code 919 Then I click to ...
1 answer
07.07.2021, 16:13
Product units (revisited)
Hello! In the business process there is a table of products, there is a "unit of measure" How can this field be passed to an external sy...
21 answer
07.07.2021, 13:58
Product units
In the business process, there is a table of products, there is "one of the world" How can the field be passed to the external system vi...