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Application Questions and Answers «Payments and cashbox»

1 answer
11.08.2021, 11:10
VAT calculation
Order https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1488/edit/ Somehow strange VAT is considered, please help to suggest what we are doing wro...
Loading payments in SRM does not work (for more than 3 hours)
https://practik.crm-onebox.com/ You can check? in the load on the server, the minute cron has been doing nothing for 4 hours
1 answer
Payment accounts not showing in progress
The interface is configured that, regardless of legal. individuals, you can select accounts for making payments. But it doesn't work, for examp...
5 replies
05.08.2021, 11:50
Question about the payment creation tab
When creating a payment, the list of clients is not pulled up for me. Even when I click on the button to select a contact - I enter the data - Find...
1 answer
No mass work with payments
Previously there was such functionality In the OS I tried to do the same, but payments cannot be sent to the "payments" application I t...
3 answer
Report on all wallets
Previously, there was such a report (example) Was at the link "/admin/shop/finance/order/account/" I can't find it in the OS, is it ...
2 answer
01.08.2021, 13:39
os - does not open the application
1. I open the Payments and Cashier application - transfers to the OS desktop 2. I try to open custom buttons from the links application - it also d...
Hat layout fell off
It looks like the layout of the site header has fallen off: In the upper right corner is generally porridge.
2 answer
29.07.2021, 13:56
OS: Payments and cashier application does not open
Hello! The Payments and Cashier app has just stopped opening. Clicking on it just takes you to the main page.
Problems setting up access
The manager in the Payments and cash desk application does not show the balance of the wallet, although all possible accesses are open. A similar p...