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Application Questions and Answers «Nova Poshta»

1 answer
17.09.2022, 15:24
Doesn't show the difference
Good day. suggest, be kind, what could be the problem if it is possible to pay and send a new mail?
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.08.2022, 08:41
How to twist the iframe block to enter the special account New post process
At the interface of the business process, adding the block Insert iFrame on the page screen 1307 Having added the axis of strength, to take it from...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.08.2022, 14:01
TTN return shipping
The task is We have a turn in the name of the Client, who is guided by the request. It is necessary to create TTN on the turn. At zamovlennі, if th...
1 answer
23.08.2022, 09:06
does not switch to the stage from the status of Nova Poshta
The action is set on the status Move the business process to this stage if the stage of the new mail has changed https://aromacarlux.crm-onebox.com...
The status does not change according to the status of Nova Poshta
Why did the transition from one status to the second stop working? The status "Drop sent" was supposed to go when the NP is to be sent. A...
2 answer
13.08.2022, 18:18
Incomprehensible system for displaying new mail statuses
We have two types of shipment: from our warehouse and from the supplier's warehouse. For orders that are sent as overlays, we have put automati...
Long status changes
I have some kind of problem, the statuses change for a long time, the person took the parcel, and the status of the order and the stage still hangs...
Register New mail
Hello, I have a question, I did not understand myself How does the registry work here? For example, I'm interested in manually creating a REGIS...
2 answer
05.08.2022, 16:30
At the tab Nova Poshta TTN does not change the street, so the name is based on the numbers
At the tab Nova Poshta TTN does not change the street, so the name is based on the numbers Application butt https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/cus...
Cash on delivery amount
Made an advance payment, but how to do it to: when creating a TTN, it took "Total amount" minus "Paid" And now it creates an ov...