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Refinement. Changing data in an existing TN

box https://rivcont.info/
There are two methods according to the NP API
https://developers.novaposhta.ua/view/model/a7682c1a-8512-11ec-8ced-005056b2dbe1... to check if the data can be changed.
Change the data of an existing TN https://developers.novaposhta.ua/view/model/a90d323c-8512-11ec-8ced-005056b2dbe1...
It is necessary to implement an action that would edit the TTN. Before that, use the 1st method to check the ability to edit the data.
To begin with, this will be the full name and phone number of the recipient. That is the recipient's data.
How many hours do you need to implement?
Original question is available on version: ru


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