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Application Questions and Answers «Notification center»

7 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.09.2022, 13:24
Sound with a new awakening
Previously, it was possible to capture your audio file and engrave it with a new message. Such a function is needed in the OS, already 2 clients as...
2 answer
19.08.2022, 00:08
The bug in the center has been notified
Hello Box: https://smartgroup.crm-onebox.com/ Some kind of bug is notified in the center: 150+ new notifications are displayed, while clicking on ...
1 answer
08.02.2022, 10:45
OS - On top of all windows
Continuing the topic: https://1b.app/en/forum/notification-center/12985-os---otmetit-vse-prosmotrennim... When notifications are open, it is not pos...
3 answer
01.02.2022, 14:16
OS - Mark all viewed
Often there are a lot of notifications and clicking on each one to mark all viewed is not very convenient. It happens that you only need to view th...
2 answer
Rating: Hiding emails in Notification Panel in Onebox OS
The notification panel now displays messages . As I understand it, there is no possibility of hiding this type of event in the notification panel....
4 answer
"Send push notifications to the browser" - is it in the OS?
In mvp, in the contact card settings, there is a checkbox "Send push notifications to the browser" . I searched through various applicat...
4 answer
16.11.2021, 15:53
how to send a notification to the communication center when the conditions are met
hello. how to send a notification to the communication center to the user specified in the additional field X when going to the stage, if the value...