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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015934854 - Updated in the "Update the purchase price of the warehouse operation according to the course of the process"
For dії "Update the purchase price of the warehouse operation according to the course of the process" the following adjustments were made...
2015935019 - The functionality of mass editing of products has been improved
Added possibility in mass editing of products: - separate filters by sign; - delete duplicates according to the selected filter.
3 answer
17.08.2022, 20:53
Changing the time zone and base currency
Hello! I ask you to change the time zone to +6 GMT (Almaty) and the base currency to KZT (tenge). Thank you!
How to set up crm for design studios and designers
Bought a system but don't know where to start. We have our own design company. Can someone show a primitive business process and a 5-touch auto...
How much is crm for massage parlor ?
Interested in turnkey work with minimal customer intervention
Are there crm adjusters for sewing production?
We need an experienced integrator who can set up the system for the garment industry. Cases and examples of work, please post in the comments
Need crm solution for psychologist
it is necessary to develop a solution for a psychological office. What do you need: - customer management - mailing list - appointment planning - w...
What crm for the installation organization can you advise
Interested in the second system for mounting. We will use the first one within OneBox - we wanted to have a second backup solution within another p...
Crm reconfiguration for translation agencies
You need to reconfigure an existing solution for an online store to a solution for a translation agency. How much would such a setup cost?
Is it possible to assemble a crm for a tattoo parlor?
I need a solution for a tattoo parlor - I did not find it on the site. is it possible to develop such a solution?