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Application Questions and Answers «»

need to develop crm for pharmacies
we need a solution - an individual, not knurled one, but the development is purely for us there is a retail network of pharmacies and it is necessa...
need a large CRM for a trading company
you need a system insured against falls and located on a dedicated server + a technical specialist for solving operational issues 24/7
Freelance CRM
There is an idea to create a single solution in the form of a crm for a freelancer. Interested in a team of investors to develop an application
CRM reconfiguration for a cleaning company
Is it possible to reconfigure a ready-made system into a solution for a cleaning company?
turnkey CRM solution for dropshipping
We need automation with popular price platforms interested in turnkey implementation
purchase of CRM for a microfinance organization
We are engaged in microfinance - we need a turnkey solution How much will it cost ?
Interested in vertical CRM solutions for an industrial enterprise
Interested in vertical CRM solutions for an industrial enterprise Who can describe these areas of work?
Purchase of CRM for furniture business
Is there a ready-made solution for the furniture business?
How to set up CRM for a housing and communal services management company
After acquiring the system, we faced the difficulty of setting it up. Perhaps someone has practical skills and advice in this direction we will be ...
industry solution development: yoga studio crm
we need to develop a solution for a yoga studio with further transfer of all rights to this solution to us Interested in price and terms