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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.09.2022, 11:25
Interface block "Client processes"
Hello! In the "Client Processes" interface block, how can I change the color of the button to the color of the stage?
0 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.09.2022, 11:20
Variable "total discount by process"
Hello! Please tell me the variable "total discount for the process" and is it possible to copy it in the additional field?
1 answer
30.09.2022, 11:16
Does not open events
Good afternoon, if you use the "communication history" block in a contact and click on the name of an event, the event does not redirect ...
1 answer
30.09.2022, 11:03
Ukrainian mail address search not working
Order example https://crm.dobavki.ua/603621/ I enter an index or address - it does not search for Ukrainian mail addresses
0 replies
30.09.2022, 10:54
Addresses stopped loading from okopa
Customized Import Processes with OKop action Addresses stopped loading yesterday afternoon when importing orders from okopa An example of a fresh o...
8 replies
30.09.2022, 09:08
Copy product field to additional process product field
It ceased to be practiced, not copied, although nothing has changed in the customizations. So far, everything was OK, what could be wrong? Fields t...
2015941863 - Added functionality "Send notifications via Echat"
For the "Send notifications via Echat" option, the following option has been added: - nadsilati povіdomlennya in viber; - change the BP s...
2015941436 - Added functionality of robots with forms
In customizing forms, it is possible to set the number of the process until the form will be bound.
2015941432 - Added document change
Added new document change product_qr_customop_fieldkey , de fieldkey - custom field key
9 replies
29.09.2022, 19:34
Error in the Create ORDER action in the OneBox system. Info: This phone number is already registered #3390.
Good afternoon, the link to the site for receiving applications and Vanboxa gives an error. I can't make a repeat order for the client. What is...