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Application Questions and Answers «Google Spreadsheet»

Finalization of automatization of import of warehouse balances in Google spreadsheet
Good afternoon there is this action it unloads data from warehouse everything works well but we need to refine this action is it possible...
1 answer
20.02.2023, 17:24
Assistance in importing exchange rates
Who can help to prescribe the formula in unloading the selling euro card rate from the site kurs.com.ua. Write to the cart @VasiliyMaslianik. Reaso...
5 replies
31.01.2023, 17:36
Improvement: uploading products to Google sheets
Hello. I ask you to evaluate the completion of the action in automation for unloading products in Google Sheets like
1 answer
XML upload of reports to Google Sheets
Tell me, is it possible to upload (automatically) different types of reports from OneBox to Google Sheets?
2 answer
01.05.2022, 23:30
Refinement of unloading google spreadsheets by sheets
in box https://palyanica.1b.app/ In the action "Export processes to Google spreadsheets" add a drop-down list Where we select the proces...
2 answer
09.04.2022, 09:21
Evaluate the refinement of the Import Products from Google Sheets activity
There is an action Import products from Google spreadsheets, in its settings it is possible to specify from which columns to import the image that...
Upload to google spreadsheet
Hello, we have set up an unloading from the box to the Google table of warehouse balances. But unfortunately: 1 the barcode of the product is not u...
6 replies
15.02.2022, 14:40
Uploading from different Google spreadsheets
Is it possible to add to the automation (1 time / min) additional Google spreadsheet sheets from which to import data into the box. That is to spec...
Export of warehouse balances to Google spreadsheets unloading of certain fields
Here https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/minute/edit/ is configured to unload leftovers from the warehouse. The action initially con...
1 answer
27.01.2022, 15:14
Upload action to google spreadsheet
https://qube-soft.1b.app/desktop/ Action Export Processes to Google Sheets There is no setting in action, showed in the screenshot As I understand...