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Application Questions and Answers «Import export products»

15 replies
01.07.2021, 14:38
Ability to export data with field type "Text (html)"
Good afternoon! There was a problem when importing an additional field with the field type "Text (html)", namely: such a field cannot be ...
Availability is not transmitted on Horosop
Goods have been imported from Goodhop and have been capitalized in the system, but the quantity for them is not exported to Goodhop. Although all t...
cell minimum order
You need to add a minimum order cell from the product field (screenshot1) Here: import products (screen2) and here: Export in XML format (Rozetka...
3 answer
17.02.2021, 09:27
Import of goods on Prom "PromUA / Export of products in XLS format"
Good afternoon! Tell me why in the action "PromUA / Export products in XLS format" there is no checkbox "Unload all product filters&...
17 replies
06.02.2021, 21:46
"Integrate XML Products (Export)" action does not work
Good afternoon! Boxing address - https://leroom.crm-onebox.com/ Action configured here - https://leroom.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/...
process product price
good afternoon. is it possible to massively change the prices of the products of the process using the xls file, for example (the prices are differ...
12 replies
01.02.2021, 15:44
The external id from opencart did not load correctly
Opencart integration configured Enabled action https://farfor.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ Import products from Opencart Downloaded ...
5 replies
29.01.2021, 21:06
export of goods and import of Kasta orders
Hello, you need to set up the unloading of goods and the import of orders from the cast
5 replies
27.01.2021, 13:25
Additional field for products of the same category
How to make an additional field for products of the same category. Let's say we have fabrics and they have a certain code. And how to make it e...
8 replies
26.01.2021, 16:17
Universal import of products from source via link
In the automatic actions once an hour there is an action "Universal import of products (xml / json)" from the source at the link: http://...