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Application Questions and Answers «Import export products»

2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
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30.06.2023, 17:21
Update product category external ID
Good afternoon Tell me how you can update the external id of the product category? Is there a real improvement in the action "universal import of p...
2 answer
29.06.2023, 11:49
Product import not working. ERROR
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ We are trying to load the addon. fields to products, gives an error. Can you suggest what coul...
2 answer
24.06.2023, 16:21
Currency is unloaded as FALSE
Good day https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ There is an action once an hour "Integration of XLSX products (Export)" ...
Need help setting up Product Integration XML (Export)
It is necessary that the name of the category (Name of the category) be written as follows in the file Power tool Photo 1 a Product fil...
Пользователь готов заплатить за решение 5$
4 answer
07.05.2023, 14:24
The link with the export of goods does not come to the mail
The product export file is not received.
How to clear the value in the product card through xlsx import?
The task in the product cards is to clear the fields "External id" and "Model range (series, collection)" How to do it in bulk? Tried through xls...
6 replies
24.03.2023, 19:57
What is Provider Availability
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "Availability from the supplier" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
1 answer
24.03.2023, 19:55
what is "supplier availability text"?
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "supplier availability text" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
1 answer
How can I download (update) info. about Brands with xls file?
Is there any way to upload/update brand information to the vanbox? Those. description, h1, SEO title, SEO description, etc.? And then in the applic...
How to configure product images update via xml.
Tell me how to properly configure the update of product images through xml. Automation configured Universal import of products (xml/json) There is ...