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Application Questions and Answers «Currencies»

4 answer
19.11.2021, 13:06
The exchange rate update does not work in the process for the current
Good afternoon. I'm trying to update the exchange rate in the process with the current one, I placed it in the procedure when I click https://c...
2 answer
09.11.2021, 11:12
Rate revision
All prices for goods in the box should be in dollars, but Prom should be imported in hryvnias, and when an order arrives, the amount goes to the re...
1 answer
23.07.2021, 15:12
Change system currency to euro
Client box https://interparus.crm-onebox.com/admin/relogin/ Need to change boxing currency to euro https://interparus.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/cur...
2 answer
17.07.2021, 11:50
Displaying price currency in products list and table
Hello! When displaying products in a list and in a table, the prices of products for which the "Use product currency" setting is set are ...
Exchange Rates
good. pulls the wrong dollar exchange rate from Privatbank
5 replies
22.06.2021, 21:14
Currency of payment and mutual settlements
Hello! The client https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/3682/ has an incoming payment https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/finance/pay...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
14.04.2021, 11:12
the number is written in text in rubles instead of the desired currency
multiple currencies are configured on the project in the document template I'm trying to use the spelling of a number as text I use the variabl...
1 answer
13.04.2021, 12:28
vendor currency
Each supplier needs to be assigned a currency, so that in the end, the box will reset all financial transactions for the goods of this supplier int...
5 replies
OneBox OS and mutual settlements
The question is whether the possibility of multi-currency settlements with the client and supplier is implemented in OneBox OS? In order to be able...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
05.04.2021, 09:06
it is impossible to set a currency rate greater than 9999 for the base
I'm trying to set the exchange rate 10550 sum for 1 dollar. The value is not saved and the value 9999.999999 is always output instead. if I en...