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The exchange rate update does not work in the process for the current

Good afternoon. I'm trying to update the exchange rate in the process with the current one, I placed it in the procedure when I click
Next, I change the exchange rate of the Shat Dollar from 200 to 400, but the exchange rate does not change in the process
The process for checking https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/2516515/edit/ at the time of the creation of the process, the rate is 200, now it is 400, but I don’t see any changes in the process
please check. Thanks
Original question is available on version: ru


Based on the description of the action "When you go to the stage, the process currency rate will be updated as of the selected moment." - at the moment, the UAH currency is set in the process - in fact, the exchange rate has not changed there.
If you change the currency to another in the process (for example, as indicated in the screenshot "Dollar Shat") - it will update the rate for this currency.
19.11.2021, 14:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim, maybe there is another action. I need to click on the button so that the rates that are displayed in the block of the process change to the current exchange rates
19.11.2021, 17:04
Original comment available on version: ru

There is a first commit action "Fix currency rates in progress"
As an option - I can offer a revision in 1 hour - add the "Update process currency rates" setting to this action.
22.11.2021, 11:48
Original comment available on version: ru

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