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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
07.05.2022, 13:12
How to change the password on the forum?
with each action a notification pops up: how to change the password?
3 answer
07.05.2022, 11:42
Sender number not pulling up
Hello. In the new mail account and in the integration settings, the same sender number is specified, but when creating a ttn, the number is not pul...
2 answer
07.05.2022, 10:18
OS - Payment Cancellation
Tell me, is it possible to manually (not through the process) make the payment canceled? Or what is this field for?
2 answer
I can not enter the box as a partner (wrong password is written)
Here I have access to the box password 100% correct but won't let me in
1 answer
Refine product update by promo api
In the action once a day "import products prom" there are settings for exporting product values via api How many hours does it take to ad...
Improvement replace data-vocabulary with schema.org
Because data-vocabulary is not supported by google. Please evaluate the revision and replace the bread cats with the correct markup. I understand y...
5 replies
06.05.2022, 20:26
SSH access to boxing server
Good day, Please be kind SSH access to my box server Dyakuyu
1 answer
06.05.2022, 18:09
Hello! I ask you to change the time zone to +6 GMT - futuristica.1b.app Thank you.
5 replies
06.05.2022, 13:07
Change language when importing DC Link products
Hello. By default, goods and categories are imported in Ukrainian language, is it possible to change the language to Russian?
Evaluate the completion of the universal import
Here is a setting need the same but to write the value to the article How many hours is this? And do I understand correctly that later, when impor...