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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
25.10.2022, 11:14
The number of messages per process in the list
Is it possible to add for list processes the ability to display the number of unread comments of a certain type directly in the list? For example, ...
5 replies
25.10.2022, 10:51
Developers, when going to the settings, an error
I click on "customize", and it will redirect to the page https://bestorg.1b.app/admin/comment/template/, where it is impossible to config...
2015945153 - Added functionality for the function "Change the basis of the process by the date to schedule"
For the "Change the basis of the process by the date of planning" diary, the ability to work on rechecking is added only in the processes...
2015945515 - Added approval for integration with New Post
For integration with Nova Poshtoy added the setting "Additional field to the process in a way to record the address type of the owner after th...
Sender and recipient information is not pulled when creating a TTN
When creating a TTN from the box, information about the sender's phone and complete information about the recipient are no longer pulled Didn&...
1 answer
BUG!!! A user without access rights has the ability to delete a business process.
A user without access rights to the BP constructor has the ability to delete a business process. If somehow the user received a link to the BP cons...
1 answer
24.10.2022, 17:24
Please change to Kazakhstan
https://absstroymarket.1b.app/app/currency/ you need to make the base tenge and choose the time zone as well, Please consider the option when creat...
35 replies
24.10.2022, 16:14
Is it possible to create a referral system in the bot builder?
Good day, I am interested in creating a bot that would help with lead generation and marketing. I wonder if you have a functionality that would all...
3 answer
24.10.2022, 15:56
The status of the process does not change when changing [url_change_status: ...] in the callbackdata field
I am editing telegram notifications with the i button in the Callback Data field, specifying the change [url_change_status: ...] , When clicking o...
6 replies
24.10.2022, 15:03
Editing the procedure
A button was created in the Supplier Order Procedure. When the button is pressed, the price is copied from the Entry price column and the Input pri...