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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015958229 - The functionality of the "Import processes from another Box" action has been improved
For the "Import processes from another Box" action, the ability to transfer: - additional process fields; - additional fields of process ...
2015958192 - Added setting to "Turn Call to Process" action
For the "Convert call to process" action, a setting has been added that allows you to record the event creation date in an additional field.
2 answer
04.01.2023, 21:44
"Create payroll process based on processes closed by the employee for the past month" automation pulls up redundant processes
https://integrator.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Automation: Create a payroll process based on the employee's closed processes for t...
2 answer
Personal license
04.01.2023, 15:45
What is the current functionality of the OLX application?
Hello! I wonder what the functionality of the OLX application is now. Here https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-price-platforms-and-marketplac...
5 replies
04.01.2023, 12:57
Full name and client do not match in the list of processes
The table of orders displays the client and next to the columns his full name and contact But for some reason there is a full name of the left cli...
Can't login to OneBox after license update
Good afternoon Updated tariff on this OneBox https://kiyservice.1b.app/desktop/?tokenauth=c5c98ef0854e514937f81687419cd2ad&am... had 9 licenses ...
6 replies
After the 1st, a lot of products without photos and without articles
After the 1st, a lot of products appeared without photos and without articles, but somehow they get into the order in the box. Example. The product...
2015958175 - Added a new way to display "My Plan"
Added a new way to display "My Plan" processes
2015958201 - The functionality of working with the warehouse has been improved
Added the automatic action "Put the business process for moving products to an employee"
4 answer
Personal license
03.01.2023, 21:11
transfer of the cloud OS to a new domain
welcome to 2023! we were probably one of the first to switch to the OS and then there was only crm-onebox.com if it is not difficult - please chang...