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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
03.01.2023, 01:12
Screen jump to the TTH Parameters block in the weight field
Is it possible to disable the screen rewind to the TTN Parameters block to the weight field? In MVP, this has not been the case for the past few ye...
2015957563 - The integration functionality with CS-Cart has been improved
Added setting "Add used gift certificates as dummy products" for importing processes from CS-Cart.
2015957671 - Added parameters to /api/v2/add/storage/balance/
Added parameters for /api/v2/add/storage/balance/ that allow transferring balances: count - number of goods in the batch; price - the price of the ...
CRM stopped working
CRM stopped working address: crm.sportmarket.ua type: rental error: Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection re...
2015958031 - Added setting to "Send business process to API" action
The ability to transfer the VAT rate of the product has been added to the "Transfer business process to API" action.
0 replies
Personal license
30.12.2022, 12:06
Question for working out the action "Check the existence of the process by the date to plan"
At the stage https://myflot.info/admin/shop/workflowstatus/176/action/new/ there are actions to check the processes by the date to plan/execute htt...
2 answer
30.12.2022, 10:31
New contacts appear automatically.
Good afternoon. We started to get new contacts from email newsletters. Everyone who writes to our corporate mail is automatically created as a new ...
2 answer
30.12.2022, 09:59
The transition from the report to the processes does not work
Good afternoon, I click on the number of processes in the reports and should transfer to these filtered entities, but it does not work https://se...
2015957666 - Magento integration functionality has been improved
For the "Import orders from Magento" action, the collection of data from the discount_description parameter into the additional field of ...
2015957088 - OpenCart functionality has been improved
Added "Format your region's address" setting to the OpenCart order import action.