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Application Questions and Answers «»

13 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
13.01.2021, 15:09
Nova Poshta
If you look for a solution to the NP buv zruchnіshim. As soon as typing "Kyiv", then all the foreigners from Kiev, and then from the Kiev...
What is the principle of distribution of processes between employees?
Hello! We have set the "Automatic distribution of processes between employees" setting. The question is: on what basis are orders distrib...
7 replies
13.01.2021, 13:58
Multilingual. The translation is saved in both languages.
rybalkashop.com.ua Enabled multilingual. Rus. language and Ukrainian language. Included Ukrainian language and when translating categories into Ukr...
3 answer
13.01.2021, 13:57
balance report
Good afternoon. Could you tell me, please, where to find - a report on the balances? I know that there is a section "remains in warehouses&quo...
2 answer
13.01.2021, 13:20
How can I implement voice recognition on vanbox?
Colleagues, maybe someone came across: there is a task to check the execution of scripts of call center employees. How can this be done in Vanbox? ...
2 answer
13.01.2021, 11:31
Line highlight not working
http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/order/1442646/edit/ Block https://prnt.sc/wmg0t7 released Set to highlight the line if the Status field = ...
1 answer
Internet connection problem on the server
In box vertex24.crm-onebox.com hanging message
New mail error AfterpaymentOnGoodsCost is invalid
When creating TTN NP, an error occurs. Please clarify what is wrong? Yesterday everything was working!
4 answer
13.01.2021, 10:42
Action not working properly
There is a product http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/shop/products/5945/ in the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorde...
2 answer
13.01.2021, 10:02
Vivid services by category in the table
Good day. I can serve as "Import Duty Charge" in the "OTHER CHARGES" category, as in my class I can be in the "Delivery Se...