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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
21.01.2021, 13:26
503 error when creating TTN Nova Poshta
Good afternoon! I can’t understand why, but in my box (https://our-store.com.ua/) I periodically get a 503 error (https://prnt.sc/xd4ruj) when gene...
1 answer
Администратор проектов
21.01.2021, 13:10
Need access to the server
Boxing box.branaldi-sv.com.ua mail pavlo.b@branaldi-sv.com
1 answer
21.01.2021, 12:58
Commission field in the payment method.
Good day. Є field in the payment method "Commission percentage" At the moment, having entered the value in the field, the process is add...
1 answer
21.01.2021, 12:50
Check the operation of the client box
Here https://box.webproduction.ua/2015578075/ uploaded the system to the client's server. In the end, she earned it. But then it stopped workin...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.01.2021, 12:46
Contact type - transliteration
Here: https://yourspecii.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/ like this for contact type when we enter the contact card and resave, nothing happens, s...
4 answer
21.01.2021, 12:44
Bulk viewing of all products and photos from data base
What is the possibility in the administration or via OneBox REST API to see all products and photos before them (basic and additional)? At the mome...
access rights
hello what settings in access rights are responsible for the process interface and process tables? seems to have opened all the rights for the proc...
3 answer
21.01.2021, 12:19
Purchase price and margin question
There is a cup in stock - 5 pcs. the purchase price of which is 30 UAH, 20 exactly the same cups have arrived at a cost of 15 UAH, 25 cups are now ...
2 answer
21.01.2021, 11:47
same name
Where is the function that prohibits the creation of products with the same name?
3 answer
21.01.2021, 11:34
Installing the multilingual module
We ask you to connect the multilingual module on our euroshop.cn.ua box. Add Ukrainian language, default language is Ukrainian.