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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015747807 - Improved the action "Change the stage if the status of the NP has changed"
A new status of Nova Poshta "Vdpravnik having pressed the request for vdpravka" has been added to the action "Change the stage if th...
2015750136 - The functionality of the LC block "List of business processes" has been improved
For the LC block "List of business processes", the setting "Remove html tags when exporting" has been added
5 replies
21.02.2021, 23:56
Transferring Categories and Subcategories via API
When requesting /api/category/get/ we get all Categories. And how to get separately Categories (parent) and subcategories separately?
1 answer
21.02.2021, 21:51
Multilingual not working
I want to change the names of the pages, so that the Russian site would have "About us", and in Ukrainian "About us" . When sw...
3 answer
21.02.2021, 21:27
Attach the generated document to the letter
Good afternoon tell me how to send a letter from the process with the documents made earlier in this process (invoice or invoice) so that you do no...
9 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
21.02.2021, 19:22
open a single chat when clicking on the viber icon in the contact card
you need to make it so that if the contact card has a viberid contact for correspondence, then when you click on this button (the viber icon in th...
9 replies
21.02.2021, 13:03
Import import from Horosopa
How to import an order with a good deal, so that in the BOX there was a reduction in the price of a product that was in the order. At the same time...
1 answer
qr code of the article of the product
There is such a variable I tried to add a random text (link) to the product article and thought that it would create a qr code based on it, but th...
8 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
21.02.2021, 12:16
Incorrect work of the functionality of the Vikonati procedure at the bp stage
1) at stage є the Vikonati procedure was registered https://prnt.sc/102oag5 The problem is that when you go over, it doesn’t work if you want to se...
1 answer
21.02.2021, 11:47
price tags
Hello, here is a price tag template with this setting here is the product with the value filled in but the price tag is not filled with this valu...