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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
21.02.2021, 11:47
price tags
Hello, here is a price tag template with this setting here is the product with the value filled in but the price tag is not filled with this valu...
2015747055 - Improved process launch form
For the "Parent task" block of the process start form, the setting "Business process to search for the parent process" has been...
1 answer
20.02.2021, 15:18
Add the ability to Name an action in automations
Good afternoon! Guys, could you add the ability to call actions in other automations (https://prnt.sc/101vrmc)?
Manual folding ТТН Novoї Poshti
The type of street changes. Parameter settings - When you go to the meeting ttn -
Information is not correctly transferred to another box
The integration of exporting products from the slingopark.com box to grudnichok.com.ua is set up. This is from the side of slingopark.com this is f...
1 answer
19.02.2021, 17:15
Below is a description of the customer's request. Who can kill that for yaku vartist? When integrating with YouScore, we can integrate two modu...
Margin calculation
Hello. I can not understand what is wrong with the calculation of the sum of the marginality of processes. Either the settings are not the same, or...
1 answer
19.02.2021, 17:08
Domain change
The client has the system domain https://trackgroup.crm-onebox.com/ , but he wants it to be https://truckgroup.crm-onebox.com/ (1 letter difference...
the client does not receive response SMS from us via viber
SMS from the client comes from Viber, but the client does not receive response SMS from us
4 answer
19.02.2021, 16:53
Tabs are not displayed in the business processes of employees
Hello! Tabs are not displayed in the business process https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/8534/edit/ for employees. When you open...