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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
20.03.2021, 13:37
Contacting Maxim about plans for the OneBox app
Good afternoon, Maxim! Tell me, what are you planning to do with the OneBox application? As far as I know, few people use the application now, so i...
3 answer
20.03.2021, 11:54
Minimize button not working
There are checkboxes "collapse", but they do not work.
6 replies
20.03.2021, 11:48
Email authorization problem
Good afternoon. We used double authorization via mail, but this week it stopped working. When entering a verification code, two digits are entered ...
2 answer
Add to the Create process action on the bulk operations panel a checkmark - make the process the parent
Good afternoon, is it possible to perform the following refinement: you need to add a checkmark to the Create process action on the bulk operations...
6 replies
19.03.2021, 19:18
Row height in process tables
In the task #2015703989 the client asked to be able to enter the text in the product field of the billing process in rows. Tell me, how can you wor...
1 answer
19.03.2021, 17:56
Universal Block Horizontal Divider
We suggest adding a horizontal separator to the universal block to visually divide the block information. Small in height, neat separator, but to s...
9 replies
19.03.2021, 17:27
Not everywhere and not always the amount is displayed
The amount "paid" in the parent process is not always and not always displayed on the basis of payments in subprocesses. To do this, it w...
1 answer
The contract supplier south is not updated
The south contract supplier is not updated, the last update was 01.03, why is it not updated? Are there any errors when accessing the portal via ap...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
19.03.2021, 13:53
The checkbox in the action settings is not saved
Here https://stingray.ua/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ I set up the action, check the box I save - the checkmark was not saved
6 replies
19.03.2021, 13:06
Do not practice "count products in warehouses"
How do you work from this? Won in us so i did not start once? crm.dobavki.ua