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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
21.03.2021, 09:33
Set to parent
Tell me, is it possible to make a line highlighting option (in the block of subprocesses, and subsequent processes of the client), if some process ...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 09:25
Line highlighting in the subprocesses block
Tell me, is it possible to highlight the processes in the block of subprocesses that are "open"? If there is no such option now, can it b...
2 answer
21.03.2021, 09:15
Block in the process interface
Please make sure that the block that is in the narrow strip of the process interface does not have to be scrolled too. That is, so that the block a...
2 answer
Sorting cities and branches Nova Poshta
How to get the same refinement in cloud box https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/logistics-and-delivery-services/7550-vibor-gor...
2 answer
20.03.2021, 17:54
Good afternoon! What services (constructors) of chatbots in messengers does OneBox have ready-made integrations with?
2 answer
20.03.2021, 16:34
Text color
In the designer, the color of the text is consistent with the background, and in some places the interface is not. It can be somehow corrected, to ...
1 answer
20.03.2021, 16:25
Copy comment action
There were several issues with one of the "Add a comment from a sub-process or parent process to the current one" action 1. It says &quot...
2 answer
20.03.2021, 15:29
Very handy expand function
In the "list of actions" there is a very handy function to expand the action , which helps to evaluate if this is the action you need. W...
1 answer
20.03.2021, 14:45
Delete notification
Can you please tell me if it is possible to add such a function in the "delete process notification" action to delete the notification fr...
3 answer
20.03.2021, 14:15
Bug. Product table values are not editable
Good afternoon. The table is not editable at all, I can’t write a name and add a product, I can’t change the quantity (if there is an order from th...