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Application Questions and Answers «»

OpenCart gives an error when requesting orders
Set up opencart according to the instructions (as usual) Here is the integration link https://tradework.com.ua/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-8/c...
6 replies
Printing price tags
I have a task to print product price tags, but it turns out that I need to use the process product fields for printing. Previously discussed that t...
1 answer
25.03.2021, 16:09
Incorrect printing
Good afternoon. I don't understand why Document #175 in #5611 Jobs is not displayed correctly when trying to print or download. Printing is pos...
13 replies
25.03.2021, 16:03
New mail: creation of TTN for branch 1 in the absence of a branch, duplicates of TTN
Good afternoon! There are a number of problems with integration with new mail: 1. Select the branch of delivery of the NP in the additional field o...
4 answer
25.03.2021, 15:56
Automatic fix URL in product card
Good afternoon. I insert a relative link into the product card in the field with the type text (html) (in the future I transfer the goods from the ...
1 answer
25.03.2021, 15:32
Bug in the process block Selecting an active customer employee
Good afternoon! The process is https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/440198/edit/, Client type is male, while the Active employee s...
4 answer
25.03.2021, 12:39
Stopped receiving orders from Prom.ua
Good afternoon! Since the morning of 03/24/21, orders have not been received from the prom (the last order that was received was 03/23/21 22:02), I...
5 replies
OneBox hangs when selecting a value in the add. process product field
Recorded a video with the problem: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NyuidQJVhNX1RzxLN9Qjyvjc5X8uTvP8/view?usp=shari...
41 answer
25.03.2021, 11:11
Official clarification for customers about boxed versions, updates and OneBox OS
Dear Clients! Good news, in short: boxes will continue to be sold, and OneBox OS will be available to everyone. I decided to write this post to cla...
1 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
25.03.2021, 11:02
Incorrect Filtering on the site by filter values