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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
18.04.2021, 20:52
The stage does not switch depending on the status of the TTN of the return delivery
For example order #12510 Here is the status of return delivery ttn At the "Return" stage, there is such an action But the order does no...
4 answer
18.04.2021, 11:40
CRON not working
https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/ Minute kroner stuck. Please correct
2 answer
17.04.2021, 19:00
Backup on servers
The client's boxed version is hosted on the provider's server. Most of the space is taken up by the backup. Can they be cleaned?
2 answer
17.04.2021, 12:52
root password from mysql databases
Good afternoon, to install a corporate mail panel on a server with crm, our hoster requested a root password for mysql databases, please send it to...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
16.04.2021, 19:58
When selling goods from a warehouse, the cell is not filled
Order https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/order/40244/edit/ Cell specified On sale, the cell is not filled in https://cabinet.b2bfra...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
16.04.2021, 19:31
The product is sold from the warehouse without reference to the order
Order example https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/order/39848/edit/ Moved to the status https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/shop/workfl...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
16.04.2021, 17:02
Process does not switch to status
Process https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/order/40298/edit/ Doesn't switch to status, just loads What is the problem, how to solve?
1 answer
16.04.2021, 15:43
Clear server space from call records
Box https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/ Need to clean up space from call records I also ask you to describe what takes up space on the server
7 replies
Display of goods on the site
Bug. Products are not displayed on the site although everything is included. When choosing any category of goods, there is no For example here htt...
Mail is loaded into the system late or not loaded at all.
Good afternoon! We work with the system https://lean-production.crm-onebox.com We send mail from outlook, previously a letter immediately appeared ...