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Application Questions and Answers «»

9 replies
unable to login
https://avtocar.crm-onebox.com/ can't login to srm
15 replies
11.05.2021, 18:04
Weekly payments are tied to the process
Good day! We have installed automatic dia: "Automatically allocate customer payments by process", but blame the following situations: The...
3 answer
11.05.2021, 17:54
Box cleaning
Good afternoon, I asked you to clear the file storage of products an hour ago, you wrote to me: Cleaning products, related data and image files wil...
1 answer
11.05.2021, 16:29
Clear box of goods
Good afternoon, I have run out of disk space, can you delete all products from my box? So that I can log in?
3 answer
11.05.2021, 16:15
gaining access to the system
Good afternoon. The system is installed on our server - https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/. In the near future we plan to update the security certificate ...
13 replies
11.05.2021, 15:57
Reserves fly off. Massively!
Good afternoon. We found a problem with the reservation of goods, according to the BP there is an action that puts the goods on the reserve, or you...
Bulk printing by Ukrainian mail
With the mass printing of TTN Ukrainian. mail opens data in separate tabs for each TTN. This is very inconvenient for printing. Is it possible to m...
16 replies
11.05.2021, 15:38
Sales reports - where is the truth?
There is a report: https://nutfarine.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/2/view/?filter_order_cdate...
1 answer
11.05.2021, 14:54
Action Turn a call into a process
http://crm.mebelok.com/ Action once per minute "Turn a call into a process": If "Check for the creation of business processes" ...
5 replies
11.05.2021, 14:07
File for Prom UA
Hello! In the file that is being generated for the site of PromLA, the units of measurement are now incorrectly indicated. Previously, there was a ...