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Application Questions and Answers «Cashflow forecast»

Need CashFlow functionality.
Need CashFlow functionality. Who can I contact to set it up?
4 answer
Refinement in the panel of mass operations in Finance
Can it be improved so that the bulk operations panel displays the amount of selected payments, next to the amount?
3 answer
obligations in parent and child processes
And one more question on finances, if the payment is tied to the parent process, and the shipments are made in the child ones, is it possible to re...
1 answer
10.03.2021, 12:00
Consultation on general finance page
On the general finance page there is such a table https://prnt.sc/10hwd9b It displays data like this https://prnt.sc/10hwdth http://crm.mebelok.com...
10 replies
04.03.2021, 18:11
How can we record information from the additional field of the process in the additional field of finance?
I know that there is automation that, when making a payment in the process, allows you to configure the completion of an additional finance field, ...
please eliminate the BUG of the system with incorrect write-offs and errors in them.
I repeatedly contact those support with problems related to double write-offs for BP, that the goods were not written off and it has Shipped listed...
3 answer
28.12.2020, 21:05
when changing an already created payment, an error 500 pops up
When you try to change a payment already created in the "Finance" block, an error 500 pops up. If you change the payment in the "Ord...
6 replies
22.12.2020, 15:51
Finance bug
Payments are doubled (spent) https://prnt.sc/w7rf3l The payment "Incoming 7774.00 UAH" was added to this order, and it was carried out 4 ...
13 replies
22.12.2020, 09:08
Bug Finance
I create a copy of the appeal https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/business-processes/4425-bag-deystviya/ Because you don't answer
3 answer
07.12.2020, 16:11
Filtering by outgoing payments in MVP
In the previous version, in the filter panel in finance, you could specify a minus sign and filter by outgoing payments https://prnt.sc/vxjgm3 Ther...