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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
02.08.2021, 10:21
Blank page when entering CPM
https://ultracash.crm-onebox.com/ When you click on the link to CPM - white page Last week, boxing seemed to be on your servers, then we planned to...
1 answer
02.08.2021, 09:59
OS: Rename contact filter
On the contact filtering panel there is a filter "Date of the LAST process" - http://i.prntscr.com/JEt4L8GmSnuvh6knpb-OA.png But this fil...
9 replies
onebox stopped working
an inscription appeared, please urgently resolve the issue - Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection refused i...
Orders stopped coming from WordPress!!!
Hello! From yesterday, from 12:00, orders from WordPress stopped coming. What is the reason? Please sort it out
1 answer
02.08.2021, 08:40
Mixed up filtering in categories
Clicking on "Categories" opens the "Category Manager". Clicking on "Category Manager" opens "Categories".
6 replies
02.08.2021, 07:20
Possibility to connect several monobank accounts
Hello! Once functionality was added to connect multiple accounts to monobank: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/integration-with-onebox/2242-otseni...
4 answer
02.08.2021, 07:01
CSV product integration (Export) (upload error)
Hello! 1) The checkbox does not work (when this checkbox is enabled, the selected action will be launched once every few minutes...) 2) Unloading &...
3 answer
Report on all wallets
Previously, there was such a report (example) Was at the link "/admin/shop/finance/order/account/" I can't find it in the OS, is it ...
2 answer
01.08.2021, 13:39
os - does not open the application
1. I open the Payments and Cashier application - transfers to the OS desktop 2. I try to open custom buttons from the links application - it also d...
4 answer
fare payment not working
There are two links in the email. to some form: how to fill it out is not clear. Submit an invoice for payment.