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OneBox user forum

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3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
22.09.2021, 18:29
logs of sent mail disappeared (crown stuck?)
project https://box.e-zoo.com.ua/ mail sending logs for the last days are missing what could be the reason, tell me, pliz. Letters on the project ...
7 replies
22.09.2021, 18:13
os - number of TTN places - display as a column in the list of processes
1. Есть процессы сборки https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-issue/?dumpHash=&objectsFromName=&...
Store transfer from Joomla + VirtueMart
There is a store on Joomla 3 + VirtueMart, which works in conjunction with the old version of OneBox. Lately it has been running very slowly. Tell ...
6 replies
22.09.2021, 17:54
OS - column "goods" in the list of processes. Withdraw free balance
1. Переходим сюда https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-issue/?dumpHash=&objectsFromName=&...
Export statistics about sales for BI
Tell me, how can I export sales data from OneBox to a file using a permanent link, with which you can continue to work without crutches in BI syste...
5 replies
22.09.2021, 16:05
Another value is pulled into the document
There is a document https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/document/423961/control/ It has a product called The product has a different name https://crm.m...
10 replies
22.09.2021, 15:58
The field is not copied
Good afternoon, in the automation for products "Action when recalculating in the product card" the action "Copy the supplier field t...
1 answer
22.09.2021, 14:41
How to manage your mailing list from crm-onebox.com (Latest News Collection, News from
How to manage the mailing list from the site crm-onebox.com (A selection of the latest news, News from "official OneBox integrators") In ...
Fav-icon and onebox logo
Hello! Tell me, we switched from the version of the old vanbox to the new one. On the new version, there is no way to change the fav icon. We have ...
Export contacts to an xml file with subsequent loading into 1C ZUP
How can I export the desired contact fields from a specific group to an xml file. Through the standard function Export contacts once an hour, you c...