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NP - Print TTN by processes / revision

1. Переходим https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-issue/?dumpHash=&objectsFromName=&... &filternumber=&filterid=&filtercity=&filterstreet=&filtercomments=&filtercdatefrom=2021-10-05+00%3A00&filtercdateto=2021-10-05+15%3A30&filterdelivery=&filterpayment=&filterpriority=&contractorsid=&statusid%5B%5D=243&statusid%5B%5D= 244&filterauthorid=&filterproject=&filterproductname=&filterproductid=&filtercode1c=&filterdatetofrom=&filterdatetoto=&filterdateplanfrom=&filterdateplanto=&fi
Original question is available on version: ru


you can use the editing window, in which you can display a button that will switch processes to the selected status and an additional field in which you will write the value you need. the print window of the new mail tt is still more for printing ttn, and not working with processes
08.10.2021, 19:29
Original comment available on version: ru

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