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OneBox user forum

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7 replies
18.08.2020, 16:20
Booking seats on the bus for passengers
There is a client who is engaged in passenger transportation. You need to configure the functionality in such a way that: 1) there was a weekly tra...
4 answer
18.08.2020, 16:12
How and who will check whether the physical shipment was made correctly
So who will check the worker in the warehouse, whether he correctly collected the order? Basically it's done like this: An employee collects a ...
2015602553 - Improvement of the action “Find the process upon receipt of the product and change the business process and stage”
For the BP action “Find the process upon receipt of the product and change the business process and stage”, the setting “Search for the very first ...
7 replies
18.08.2020, 15:01
Shipment + check
good afternoon friends https://prnt.sc/u1l39n We make a shipment on an order that has already been paid. We go into the upload business process and...
2015600995 - Improvement of the LC block “All subprocesses of the current process”
For the block “All subprocesses of the current process” of the LC interface, the settings have been improved: - hide the column with process id; - ...
2015599552 - Hide the display of processes in the personal account
For the block “List of business processes in the LC”, the setting has been improved, which allows you to set the condition for displaying processes...
2015601387 - Finalization of the setting with the choice of legal entities in the document template
For document templates, the setting “Available only for processes with a specific legal entity” has been improved - if legal entities are specified...
2015596014 - Refinement of the action "Generate business processes for clients of a contact group"
For the automatic action once a minute "Generate business processes for clients of a contact group", the setting "Check contacts onl...
7 replies
17.08.2020, 18:28
Contactless payment
The client will make vending machines for his chain of stores. https://ru.qwe.wiki/wiki/Vending_machine He wants to be able to put some kind of dev...
2015599068 - Improvement of the action “Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)”, the setting “Upload only the main image of the product card” h...