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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

7 replies
29.08.2020, 17:44
Forced to create 2 Cancel steps to cancel shipped and UNShipped orders.
Action "Return the contents of the process to the warehouse." Please make sure that there are no errors and that you can go to the stage ...
3 answer
29.08.2020, 16:25
The task is re-created, but the corresponding setting is disabled
Process - https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/149762/edit/ Tasks: https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/iss...
7 replies
No export of goods
Hello, the situation is as follows: Positions are not exported (the file does not come to the mail), there are more than 11 thousand positions. It ...
When writing a comment on the site, write a smiley ???
When writing a comment on the site, the smiley will write "???". need to correct (smile with phone keypad unicode)
1 answer
29.08.2020, 11:06
Not received by mail Export of goods
7 replies
28.08.2020, 21:22
My comments are not saved in tasks
My comments are not saved: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/sklad/98/ https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/integratsii-c-onebox/21/
2015612951 - Improved action "Link process products to vendor process products"
For the BP action “Link process products to supplier process products”, the setting “Do not check the number of process products when searching” ha...
4 answer
28.08.2020, 16:43
Facebook Page Integration
Good afternoon. We have created a Facebook page with a community. Tell me, please, how can you integrate the ability to receive messages from Faceb...
12 replies
28.08.2020, 15:51
Viber Integration
Good afternoon. Connected Viber. There has been a long delay in receiving calls. In a CPM environment, messages arrive within a minute. In the oppo...
2 answer
28.08.2020, 15:34
Barcode Scanner
The client is interested in connecting a barcode scanner to OneBox. Which barcode scanner would you recommend to a client?