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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
09.11.2020, 13:47
Privatbank payment in installments does not receive a response
Previously, they made revisions on Privatbank payment in installments 2015094033 A link is sent to the client, then the bank gives an answer and yo...
3 answer
Automation of payment creation upon receipt of an overlay and the transition of the order to the corresponding status of New Mail
It is not always the automatic creation of a payment tied to the transition of the order to the corresponding stage of New mail. Those. Automation ...
3 answer
09.11.2020, 13:26
Total weight
Good afternoon. Is it possible to make it so that the total weight for the order is displayed? So far, it has been possible to configure the displa...
2015673340 - Added setting to "WordPress / Export products" action
For the automatic action once per hour "WordPress/Export products", the "Upload products that meet the condition" setting has b...
3 answer
1. Set up automation once a day "Create a payroll business process based on business processes closed by an employee over the past month"...
Manager data is not included in the report
Good afternoon! When generating the "Comparison of employees" report, data for one manager is not included in the report, although in oth...
3 answer
09.11.2020, 12:45
Nail pattern
Good afternoon, we have found a template for an online store. Everything appears correctly on the site. Ale hotіv zkoreguvati pevnі ptі і zamіtiv, ...
6 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
09.11.2020, 12:37
The action box_action_universal_export_order_to_api stopped working / Pass the process to the API
Here is the action https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/workflow/9/procedure/68/?status=0 I launch here on the button https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder...
4 answer
MPV update
Good afternoon! Here is my issue: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/security/2570-otkrit-dostup-k-faylam-protsesso... Please update VanBox. Dom.BigC...
2015680833 - Added a variable to the "Template tables" report
For the "Template tables" report constructor block, the [countDaysAll] variable has been added - the number of days in the period specifi...