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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
27.11.2020, 22:26
Problems connecting to the license server
OneBox rybalkashop.com.ua The following inscription appeared: Problems connecting to the license server, contact your system administrator.
4 answer
27.11.2020, 18:37
moving to a large number of warehouses / rooms in one process
Clients are able to apply for moving goods in the process to a large number of warehouses/rooms tell me what is possible in principle? butt https:/...
5 replies
27.11.2020, 18:34
Estimate completion by bonuses (variables by quantity)
Now there is a directory of all variables https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/directory/variable/ but there are no variables for the number of bonus...
6 replies
27.11.2020, 18:31
The system is down!
Has been lying for several hours, work is paralyzed
3 answer
27.11.2020, 18:30
Transfer all bonuses without a category to a separate category (refinement)
We have not previously used customer bonus categories, you need to transfer all user bonuses without a category to a separate category. Can you tel...
8 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
27.11.2020, 18:15
evaluate the refinement of integration with Viber (search for a contact by value from the "context" parameter)
please evaluate the improvement in Viber integration settings finalize tick "search for a process client or a chat client by oneboxid from th...
1 answer
27.11.2020, 18:07
Additional product fields
Hello, please tell me how to calculate and fill in the additional product field, for example without action at the bp stage, but with automatic ac...
2 answer
27.11.2020, 17:59
I don't see any steps to set up checks
There are many open topics on the forum related to Checkbox integration, they have screenshots where you can see actions that are related to checks...
1 answer
27.11.2020, 17:40
How to create/configure BP "Opening-closing checkout" (Checkbox integration)
Please tell me how to create and configure a PSU to work correctly with Checkbox
2 answer
27.11.2020, 16:21
Added a new BP to the menu: https://prnt.sc/vra18y, allowed managers to see it in access rights, etc. , why the manager does not see this BP?