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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Using budgets
The box has a budgets section https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/finance/buget/ it reflects the final amounts of balances on each budget. Accrual ...
2015457814 - Improvement of the action “Copy address from google map by additional fields of the process product”
The BP action “Copy address from google map using additional fields of the process product” has been improved. When switching to the stage, the add...
Active time in the system
Good afternoon. Please make a record of the employee's active time in the system, now it will be very useful when working remotely. To understa...
Password manager
Please make a password manager. So that when assigning a role to an employee, the passwords of employees of this role would automatically become av...
1 answer
25.03.2020, 00:13
Send notifications by sms (universal day)
Add the filter "Start the activity only as soon as possible to confirm the process" For e-mail vіn є, but in SMS I don't know what to do
1 answer
23.03.2020, 16:28
Add the ability to upload products from an excel file to the write-off cart.
Good afternoon. Request for the "Write-off from warehouse" functionality: add the ability to upload goods to the write-off basket from an...
When ordering on the site, there is a possibility to place an order on a legal entity (Company)
When ordering on the site, there is a possibility to place an order on a legal entity (Company) Blame boopi tick selection for the company and for ...
1 answer
26.02.2020, 11:33
Refinement of import of goods in YML
Improve the ability to import products in YML format so that you can also load any SEO entities for which there are corresponding fields in OneBox ...
1 answer
Banner Display Sequence
Make in the banner block the ability to set the sequence of displaying banners, according to the logic of displaying categories
Improve Action
We have an action at the BP stage "Check the fields are full". In it, we mark with daws which fields need to be checked. If the client ha...