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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

4 answer
04.11.2020, 17:38
Where to change the logo and contacts of our company
Good afternoon. Tell me where we can change our contacts and logo in the client's personal account
4 answer
04.11.2020, 17:33
How to show documents in the client's personal account
Good afternoon. In the client's personal account, the "Documents" section, we cannot configure the display of all documents tied to t...
2 answer
04.11.2020, 17:14
Can i?
Can I register my SOFA furniture online store through your platform? i.e. create a Submit) https://salonsofa.com.ua/
4 answer
04.11.2020, 16:55
Upgrade to MVP version
I have the OneBox REVOLUTION version. What do I need to upgrade to the MVP version?
2 answer
04.11.2020, 16:25
save the value of the Contact ID field in the text field
the client needs the additional field Contact ID https://prnt.sc/vdckon copy the value of the date from the view not to the ID of the contact, but ...
6 replies
04.11.2020, 16:09
Action "Send notification by sms Universal action" - please explain and suggest
Hello! We are looking for the opportunity to send SMS once a year when moving to a stage and send it to all contacts except Interest (user.custom_I...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
04.11.2020, 15:46
Fill in default cells for all products
Good afternoon, there is a need for, when ordering a supplier, the cells for the warehouse are automatically affixed for the goods - those in which...
1 answer
04.11.2020, 15:36
Interim balance after each payment
Make a field in the list of payments with an interim account balance in each payment. Like on a bank statement. To be able to see the balance after...
10 replies
04.11.2020, 13:58
Rounding in variables
Rounding is enabled in the system settings. The sum variable {|$e.sum|} ignores this setting https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder...
6 replies
04.11.2020, 13:32
import of onebox goods from outlet
Hello, is it possible to import goods from rozetka and how is it done and configured?