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Problem with loading payments via CSV

The client has an action configured - http://crm.loader.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ for importing payments via CSV
I checked these settings several times and at the time of delivery to the client everything worked (the file was generated with a comma separator from Googledox - it was saved from the table as CSV) - everything worked, payments were sinking.
The client tried to upload his files - https://prnt.sc/vhc1dc . I took the download file from the Client Bank in XLS format. Copied to a template XLS file - saved from there to CSV format with Wind-1251 encoding.
I specified it in the settings.
Still won't load payments.
Please help me figure out what is the problem here.
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello. If from one file it hurts and from the second it doesn’t, then there is some problem with the second file. Please send me in the box in the ssh task to the server and set up the second action as needed initially (I have now changed the name of the file there)
13.11.2020, 13:38
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
Hello. If from one file it hurts and from the second it doesn’t, then there is some problem with the second file. Please send me in the box in the ssh task to the server and set up the second action as needed initially (I have now changed the name of the file there)

Added you access yesterday. Were you able to see?
17.11.2020, 18:45
Original comment available on version: ru

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