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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

4 answer
"Value in payment_method column in opencart" are the same, but "Payment method in OneBox" are different
Hello! Tell me why "Value in the payment_method column in opencart" are the same https://prnt.sc/100mpx2 , and "Payment method in On...
5 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
19.02.2021, 10:35
Incorrect work of the functional according to the order of the goods entered on the phone
We have a big box that allows you to create and ship goods to the required power supply.https://prnt.sc/100lnof /prnt.sc/100lrg2 but I press contin...
2 answer
19.02.2021, 09:47
The counterparty is not created in the new mail
The counterparty is not created in the new mail Order: https://aromacarlux.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/aromacarlux/3465/edit/ The problem is t...
6 replies
19.02.2021, 09:46
KPI Sold category (sum of products) by an employee per month
Good afternoon. There are questions about this KPI: 1. Tell me, can I use this KPI to calculate how much an employee sold goods in a particular cat...
2015744861 - Added action "Distribute payments without a category into categories based on a comment to the payment"
Added a new automatic action once per hour "Distribute payments without a category into categories based on a comment to the payment". Th...
2015743318 - Added automatic action once per minute "Import Whatsapp messages to events (botcorp.io)"
Added new automatic action once per minute "Import Whatsapp messages to events (botcorp.io)". The action imports messages that were sent ...
2015745561 - Added a setting for the field of the universal block
For the fields "Our obligations (balance)" and "Client obligations" of the universal process block, the setting "Take into...
2015746332 - Improved action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)"
For the automatic action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" added the setting "Pass url prefi...
2 answer
Does the download speed of OneBox depend on the fact that the files are on a different server?
We print prints on various products. We created a reference book in which each print has its own article. In the order, we select the article in on...
2 answer
18.02.2021, 19:35
Rate the revision
When the action is triggered, our liability should be reduced by the total cost of the goods in the process.