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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
How to hide all outgoing payments from an employee so that he can only see incoming payments
How to hide all outgoing payments from an employee so that he can only see incoming payments
2 answer
08.12.2020, 16:55
Orders do not come from Prom
Hello! Orders from Prom.ua have stopped coming in since lunch today. Here is my system https://our-store.com.ua/ Here are the screenshots of orders...
20 replies
08.12.2020, 16:41
who can access the extra field
Hello, please tell me how to see to whom the additional field is available, and to whom it is not available ...
lay down minute Cron
https://vmk.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/statistic/ at 14:08 approximately stopped working I overloaded the hetzner.cloud server, but after a while it...
7 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
08.12.2020, 16:34
day cron not running
project http://crm.swisstrade.com.ua/ day cron does not run. can you tell me why?
3 answer
08.12.2020, 16:24
Export not working
When trying to export orders to a .xls file, an empty file is saved, if there is data exported as .csv, but with UTF8, which makes it impossible to...
1 answer
08.12.2020, 16:16
Hosting IP change.
Good afternoon. Hosting IP has changed, please fix it in the domain - koegel.crm-onebox.com New IP - Thank you!
4 answer
Sending a file to telegram
There is an auth. step action: "Send a Telegram message" There is an item "Send process files" https://prnt.sc/vya40z I turned ...
3 answer
08.12.2020, 15:03
Orders stopped getting from Rozetka to the box
Good afternoon. Approximately at 14:30 today, orders from Rozetka to the box stopped coming. Similar problem on 2 boxes http://crm.giftstore.com.ua...
Good day Update, be kind, our system: kozaksystem.com.ua