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List of related questions and answers «Utilities and settings»

9 replies
11.07.2023, 16:28
The box does not work - 500 error
The box does not work - 500 error - panel.babitskyi.com - I believe that the company has turned off my system and now imposes the purchase of new s...
1 answer
06.07.2023, 22:01
Need FTP access to upload files for templates
box https://gamacrm.1b.app/ Need FTP access to download templates and import files. Plz send it to the mail.
2 answer
06.07.2023, 19:45
Restore from backup
Can you please restore OneBox OS (cloud solution) from a nightly backup, settings that were not important before. After configuring automation to e...
6 replies
28.06.2023, 15:53
HTTP ERROR 500 error
Hello, error HTTP ERROR 500. Disk space is available.
1 answer
Personal license
26.06.2023, 18:30
Estimate the amount of data after transferring to the OS
Good day! the customer chooses between tariffs to switch from MVP to OS. please estimate how many MB will actually be occupied by the box https://c...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.06.2023, 13:02
The box is stuck, please help
Good afternoon, all crowns have frozen and most employees do not have stable boxing. Help restart.
2 answer
Error 500
Good morning! Error 500 box.generator.ua, please fix))
4 answer
22.06.2023, 13:49
Clockwork not working
Clock crown hasn't worked for several hours Screenshot: https://crm.sportmarket.ua
The minute processor does not work
After updating the system to os, orders coming from the site are processed with a long delay. After monitoring the situation, we came to the conclu...
4 answer
20.06.2023, 10:57
Auto-update of exchange rates
Good day Please let me know how the auto-update of courses works now From which platforms can the course be taken automatically? And what currencie...